1st High Performance Graph Mining workshop
10th of August | KDD 2015 conference, Sydney
Kdd 2015 BSC


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The call for papers is closed.

Accepted papers have been published here: http://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/76339

Slides HPGM

About HPGM

The High Performance Graph Mining workshop will be held on August 10th 2015, co-located with the 21st on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, in Sydney. The HPGM is a half-day workshop and the program includes keynotes, paper presentations and a panel.

Why now?

More and larger network data sets emerge every year, causing a growing interest in large-scale graph mining. However, exploring and exploiting these large graphs represents a novel challenge, both in terms of knowledge discovery and parallel computation. In order to understand what processes are currently feasible, HPC and AI researchers must collaborate in the design of mining algorithms, processing models and optimization techniques. To help in that regard, the HPGM workshop intends to bring together researchers tackling the same problems from different perspectives; life and earth science researchers working on network related problems, AI researchers designing graph mining tools, and HPC researchers developing efficient graph processing methodologies.